Little friars and Little nuns of jesus and mary (this website belongs to our groups of prayer adp-vv)...

COMMON LIFE between the friars and sisters: in the cenacle, while hitchhiking, etc...

We are the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary, with the spirituality (as a Bishop from Rome once defined it) of the early Franciscans and the early Carmelites. We do not use and do not want money (not that it is bad to use it, given that even the Apostles had a safekeeping), but what we have, we give you freely in the Name of the Lord (cf. Acts 3:6)! As Jesus says, “There is more joy in giving than in receiving” (cf. Acts 20:35), especially when one gives a spiritual food that is simple, luminous, and will never perish (cf. John 6:27)…

So, “if you want” (cf. Matt 19:21...), come pray with us in the Catholic Church (Cf. Eph 3:21) and put the Word into practice with us concretely on the streets (Cf. Mark 6:7-13; Luke 8:2-3...), and you will see many miracles of conversion, etc... (cf. Acts 3:6-8). If you want to get in touch with us, remember that:
We do not possess anything (cf. Matt 8:20),
all that we use was lent to us...
and feel free to contact us at one of these addresses, leaving your phone number
so that one of us can get in touch with you more quickly.
CONTACTS to reach the Little Friars and Nuns of Jesus and Mary:
OTHER CONTACTS to reach the Little Friars and Nuns of Jesus and Mary

Our mission (that is, our work) is to announce Christ's death and resurrection to the world through poor "Living Flyers"...that is, through a luminous Example of Life! – (Cf. John 13:15). Would you help us to do this with your life? Jesus says, “No one has greater Love than this: to give his life for his friends” (John 15:13)! “The harvest is rich but the workers are few” (Cf. Luke 10:2), and the world is a big place to travel around; would you like to travel with us in total reliance on Divine providence (cf. Mark 6:7-13) in order to announce the Savior to the world, first with your life and then using words? Write - for the Prize is GREAT (cf. Matt 19:21. 27-30)! Think about it … Now is the time to act!
If you have any questions, we are always ready to help! But please be patient, since – in addition to unforeseen events – the harvest is great and the workers are few...
If you are interested in having the PASSWORD that you may need as you visit this site, feel free to ask for it, explaining the reason why you would like to have it.
N.B. This website was created in Italian, so please don't focus as much on the (admittedly limited!) translation as on how the Holy Spirit may be working in your mind and heart!
Many of the Scriptural quotations found on this website have been translated from the Italian version of the Jerusalem Bible (approved by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI).

The Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary are also on Facebook and other social media, at these official links, using some form of the handle poorfriars:
Poor Friars and Poor Nuns: facebook

Poor Friars and Poor Nuns: instagram

Poor Friars and Poor Nuns: TikTok

Poor Friars and Poor Nuns: YouTube