
hOW to enter our community?...

(Vocational discernment AND POSSIBLE RELIGIOUS experiences  IN OUR COMMUNITY)...



(STATUTES Ch. 2 - Journey toward Consecration)

2,9 At the beginning, a series of encounters will afford an initial  knowledge of the candidates, to understand whether they are well-balanced and truly seeking the will of God. Following this, the candidates may have an experience of at least six months in an established house (cf. Ch. 6,4-5) for an initial vocational discernment.


2,10 Candidates then continue with the year of test, called the postulancy, during which they explore their discernment more deeply and focus more precisely on the aspect of putting the Gospel into practice (as well as on basic human and religious formation and psychological/affective maturity).


2,11 When this period has been completed, if appropriate (according to the discernment of the major superiors (cf. CIC 641)), the two-year novitiate will follow, which prepares those closer to consecration for the temporary assumption of the evangelical counsels (cf. CIC 648).


2,12 At the end of the novitiate, the evangelical counsels are assumed with official admission to the temporary profession (cf. Ch. 2,18; CIC 653 §2), which will last for 1 year and be renewed for 3 consecutive years (cf. Ch. 2,18; CIC 655). After this, one has access to the perpetual vows.

2,13 After the conclusion of the temporary vows, the members who are considered eligible will make their perpetual profession; otherwise, they will leave the Community (except in the case of an extension of the temporary profession according to the norms of canon 657 §2 of the CIC).



6,13 The candidates to priesthood must follow the formational procedure established by the Code of Canon Law and other documents given by the Holy See and the Episcopal Conference.



If you wish to get in touch - to have an experience with us -, write to one of these addresses and leave us your phone number so that one of us may quickly get in touch with you. 


fr.friarantonio@gmail.com  (resp. for English-speak. male vocations)

sr.caterinama@gmail.com  (resp. for English-speak. female vocations in US & surrounding areas)

sr.effata@gmail.com (resp. for English-speak. female vocations in EUROPE & surrounding areas)


For Info in US & other english-speaking countries, please text (also on -- WhatsApp --): 

Responsible for english-speaking male vocations:
- Fr. Antonio (985) 855-5977 [text]
Promoter for english-speaking male vocations:
- Fr. Nathaniel (985) 855-5176 [text]

Responsible for english-speaking female vocations, in US:
- Sr. Caterina (985) 647-3715 [text]

Responsible for english-speaking female vocations, in Europe & surrounding areas:
- Sr. Effata 39 376 027 7174 [WhatsApp]





If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! Let us keep in mind what the great Carmelite Saint Edith Stein said: "The greatest regret at the end of our life would be to die without becoming a saint." Therefore,


Peace and Good, and above all, Best Wishes of Holiness!!

for it is written, "This is the will of God: your sanctification!"  (1Thess 4:3a). Amen ! ...

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