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VIDEO of the schedule at the pfsgm Formation Houses



 Ratio Formationis


VIDEO of our (practical) FORMATION...



(STATUTE Ch. 6 - Formation)


6,1 All of the formation is a time of trial and discernment on the part of the candidate, and of discernment on the part of the formators; it involves, therefore, a shared responsibility between candidate and formators. The central point of the formation is the candidate's vocational discernment and acquisition of an ever greater freedom, so as to be able to responsibly decide to answer the call of the Lord, wishing to do only His will. Likewise, the formators must only seek the will of God and not the numerical increase of the Community.

6,1a All of the PFSGM formation shall always be done according to the norms of this Statute and above all according to the norms of the Codex Iuris Canonici (cf. CIC 630) and the PFSGM Ratio Formationis, as well as the instructions of the PFSGM Formation Syllabi which derive from it.

6,2 The internal formation, foundational and permanent, will be carried out - in submission to the Church - in the spirit or condition of life of the Community in order to translate it into the practice of life. It will be accompanied, moreover, by the formators - but without prejudice to the fact that each member remains the person primarily responsible for his or her own own formation.


                          Basic Formation                              Philosophical/Theological Formation


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