Eastern Sicily - Daughterhouse Psgm...
For the pfsgm Community
- Servant Superior of the psgm convent
- Responsible for psgm vocations in Albanian
- Promoter of psgm vocations in Albanian
- Vice-Responsible for the adp-vv groups of prayer in Italy and Vice-Responsible for the adp-vv archive (since 25 February 2023)
- Responsible for translations in Albanian (since 2017)
- Collaborates with the maintenance of the "Will of God" and "Meditated Rosary" websites in Italian
- Seamstress
- Gardener
- Responsible for the maintenance of the convent
For the Diocese
- Catechist at the parish
- Member of the parish Pastoral Council
- Promotes the Catholic Action group at the parish
- Volunteer at the local charity center
And above all, the Work of Evangelization, Gospel at hand, through the streets of the world…
FORMATION, Academic and Religious:
- 2005-2006: Diploma from the Superior School“Myrteza Kepi”, Kuçova (AL).
- 2010-2013: Attended the Department of the Economy of Tourism at the University “Eqerem Çabej” di Gjirokastër (AL).
- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious Formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis (as of 13 May 2020).
- Perpetually professed since 13 May 2020.
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Coming from a Muslim family, she began her conversion towards Christianity and Christ in November of 1993. She received baptism as an adult in 2006, risking being stabbed to death by a close family member who did not want her to convert - but baptism was more important to her than the threat. She continued on her journey and searched for her path for some years, until someone from the pfsgm community was attentive to her Divine Calling and helped her realize her "dream": to be able to live the entirety of the Gospel in deed and in truth (cf. 1 Jn. 3:18). In addition to Albanian, she writes and speaks Italian. To read her complete testimony, click here.
email: srteresamester@gmail.com
Tel: 0039 391 379 5183
Facebook: Suor Teresa Maria E. (Pagina Uff.)
For the pfsgm Community
- Cook in the daughterhouse psgm
- Editor in Italian
- Responsible for the cleaning
- Sacrestan
For the Diocese
- Member of the parish choir
- Catechist at the parish
- Promotes the Catholic Action group of the parish
- Extraordinary minister of holy communion
- Volunteer at the local charity center
FORMATION, Academic and Religious:
- 26 July 1982: Diploma, Accounting, at ITC “F. Ferrara” in Mazara del Vallo (TP)
- 06 October 1997: Diploma in Religious Studies at ISR "Mater Sapientiae" in Mazara del Vallo (TP)
- 22 February 2014: Baccalaureate in Religious Studies at the 'ISSR Euromediterraneo' in Tempio (OT)
- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious Formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm (as of 23 February 2010)
- Perpetually professed since 23 February 2010
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
She has attended the Catholic Church since she was little. On the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 2003, she encountered a brother of the community together with a young man in vocational discernment with the community, and deeply moved by the encounter, she immediately sensed that this community might be the answer to her many prayers. In addition to Italian, she speaks French and English and can communicate in Spanish. To read her full testimony, click here.
e-mail: sr.letiziamvf@gmail.com
tel: 0039 3207238897
Facebook: Sister Letizia Maria Vera (Official Page)
SR. GIOIA MARIA (transitional)
For the pfsgm Community
- Assistant sacristan in the psgm convent
- Assistant in the cleaning
- Assistant cook
- Assistant gardener
For the Diocese
- Volunteer for the parish Caritas (since 2019)
- Helps with the music ministry for Adoration in the Cathedral (since 2020)
FORMATION, Academic and Religious
- 22 July 1994: Diploma from the Institute of Art in Nuoro
- Is completing the Basic Religious Formation stipulated by the Ratio Formationis pfsgm (since 2019)
- Novice, Second Year
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Sr. Gioia was born in Nuoro in Sardinia, and from her conception was tied in a particular way to the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, due to a vow that her mother had made to the saint. She grew up, went to school, and received her diploma from the Art Institute. She was open to the experiences the world offered her and became familiar with the world of cinema, fashion, and nightclubs (as a dancer). During one of her journeys, she met someone who she thought would be the man of her life: a prince... (at least, according to the title of nobility he had inherited). But the fairytale life did not prove to satisfy, and she felt dissatisfaction and suffering growing within. On the day of the funeral of St. John Paul II, while she was watching TV, she was shaken by what she saw and her life radically changed. She prayed to Jesus and left her "prince," returned to the sacraments, dedicated her time to the most needy (helping at the soup kitchen), started to participate in the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church and in the Third Order of the Carmelites, and gradually discovered her vocation to consecrated life. After a long search for God's will in various religious communities, her spiritual guide pointed out our community present in Sardinia and she began her vocational experience with a joy and freshness which mark her in a particular way. To read her complete testimony, click here [Italian].
email: suorgioiam@gmail.com
Facebook: Suor Gioia Maria Lucia (profilo pers.)