
Lombardy - Daughterhouse psgm... 






For the pfsgm Community

- Promoter of the adp-vv groups of prayer in Italy (since 26 February 2022)

- Sacristan and laundress for the psgm convent (since 2019)


For the Diocese

- Volunteer at the "San Corrado" soup kitchen (since September 2019)

- Volunteer for the distribution of clothing at the "San Corrado" soup kitchen (since September 2019)


FORMATION, Academic and Religious:
- 04 June 2002: Professional Diploma for "Administrative Secretary" at the Institute of Superior Instruction “E. Rufini - D. Aicardi”  in Sanremo.

- 2005-2007: Attended the Department of Religious Studies for two years at the ISSR of the diocese of Ventimiglia-Sanremo.

- Has completed the Basic Religious Formation (as of 13 October 2019) and is completing the second year of Three-Year Formation stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm

- Temporarily Professed, 3rd Year, since 13 October 20[]


After a past of being the "rebellious daughter," she fell in love with the Lord through the humble and simple example of the Poverello of Assisi. Thus, she began her vocational search, which led her to discover the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary through facebook in the summer of 2014. In addition to Italian, she can communicate in French and English. To read her complete testimony, click here


email:  suorbenedettamaria@gmail.com

Tel: 0039 3791114929
Facebook:  Suor Benedetta Maria L. (pagina Uff.)



  SR. SPERANZA MARIA (transitional)



For the pfsgm Community

- Assistant for the adp-vv groups of prayer in Chinese (since 18 October 2019)

- Promoter for Chinese-speaking psgm vocations (official as of 18 October 2021)

- Responsible for translations of pfsgm documents into Chinese (since 2017)

- Seamstress for the psgm


For the Diocese

- Extraordinary minister of holy communion (since October 2017)

- Helps with the music ministry for Eucharistic Adoration and evening Mass (since 2020)


FORMATION, Academic and Religious:

- 1993-1994: School of HangJin Hou Qi -  Ba Ye Nao Er, Inner Mongolia (China).
- 2006-2009: Course of the Spanish Language - University of Foreign Languages in Beijing, Pechino (China)
- 2001-2005 - Degree in Medicine - Clinical Medicine - University of Medicine, Inner Mongolia - Hu He Hao Te, Inner Mongolia (China)
- 2013-2014: Attended the ISSR "Ecclesiae Mater", Pontifical Lateran University - Rome

- 2nd Year Student in the 3-Year Laureate program in Religious Studies

- Has completed the Basic Religious Formation (as of 26 April 2019) and is completing the second year of Three-Year Formation stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm

- Temporarily Professed, 3rd Year, since 25 April 20[]



She was raised from childhood in the Catholic Faith, in a climate of strong persecutions in China. Even in the midst of so many difficulties, she managed to cultivate her love for Jesus, to the point of conceiving the idea very early on of giving herself totally to Him. An expert in Chinese medicine, after some vocational experiences she came to know the community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary through a friend who knew the psgm mother general from the Pontifical Lateran University, and decided to undertake the long journey to Italy solely to understand the will of God for her. From then on, she has not turned back. In addition to Chinese, she writes and speaks Italian and can communicate in Mongolian, English, and Spanish. To read her complete testimony, click here.



email:  speranzaxiaohong123@gmail.com

Tel: 0039 3791643241

Facebook: Xiaohong Speranza (profilo uff.)



     SR. COMETA MARIA (transitional) 



For the pfsgm Community

- Formator of the Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary (since 2 October 2018)

- Sacristan


For the Diocese

- Extraordinary minister of holy communion (since 13 November 2016)

- Assists with music ministry for Eucharistic Adoration and Sunday Mass at the Cathedral (since 2019)


FORMATION, Academic and Religious
- 18 July 1997: Diploma in Art at the Artistic State School of Catania (CT); Supplementary certificate of the diploma obtained on 15 June 1998
- 24 February 2004: Degree in Decoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania (CT)
- 26 Mach 2007: Degree in Visual Arts and Show Disciplines - Decoration - Biennio Specialistico, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania (CT)
- 30 September 2013: Baccalaureate in History and Cultural Heritage of the Church at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (RM)

- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious Formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm (as of 26 December 2015)

- Perpetually professed since 26 December 2015


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization): 

She has attended the Catholic Church since she was a child. After a long journey of discernment and of intense prayer to understand what the Lord had had in mind for her from all eternity, powerful signs from on high gradually helped her mind "marry" her heart - until she came to lovingly embrace her divine mission. To read her complete testimony, click here


email:  sr.cometa@suorepovere.net
Tel:  0039  3283098971
Facebook:  Suor Cometa Maria  (Pagina Uff.)




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